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2016 Exceptional Muslimah, Shaayah Bryant

Exceptional Muslimah

Graduated Valedictorian of 2016 high school graduating class. Throughout her high school career, she has always been involved with extracurricular activities, like tennis, softball and band. In addition, she has been a member of the World Language Club, Interact Club, Drama Club, Debate Team and Vice President of the National Honor Society. Throughout her four years of high school, she has volunteered 96 hours of her time to make food for the homeless, organize books in the local library and usher for the Jr. High Drama shows. These activities disciplined her and allowed her to stay focused on her schoolwork. No matter how active she was in her school and community she continued to maintain her 4.0 Grade Point Average. As she moves onto Rowan University from Woodbury High School, she plans to continue being involved in club sports, as well as, maintain her high grades. She hopes to use her Chemistry major to become an anesthesiologist, and continue helping people in any way that she can.


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